24 research outputs found

    Complex security problems of the internet of things

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    At present, the Internet market of things is constantly expanding; it has covered almost all the most important areas: transport, housing and communal services, industry, agriculture, telecommunications and information technology. In connection with the constant increase in the number of attacks on IoT-devices, the issue of standardization of this technology is quite acute. The features of the of existing solutions and the new proposed Russian NB-Fi standard for IoT are presented in this article from the point of view of information security

    On the accelerated settling of fine particles in a bidisperse slurry

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    An estimation of increasing the volume average sedimentation velocity of fine particles in bidisperse suspension due to their capturing in the circulation zone formed in the laminar flow of incompressible viscous fluid around the spherical coarse particle is proposed. The estimation is important for an explanation of the nonmonotonic shape of the separation curve observed for hydrocyclones. The volume average sedimentation velocity is evaluated on the basis of a cellular model. The characteristic dimensions of the circulation zone are obtained on the basis of a numerical solution of Navier-Stokes equations. Furthermore, these calculations are used for modelling the fast sedimentation of fine particles during their cosedimentation in bidisperse suspension. It was found that the acceleration of sedimentation of fine particles is determined by the concentration of coarse particles in bidisperse suspension, and the sedimentation velocity of fine fraction is proportional to the square of the coarse and fine particle diameter ratio. The limitations of the proposed model are ascertained

    Wpływ temperatury wygrzewania azotowanej stali narzędziowej WCL (EN-X37CrMoV5-1) na mikrotwardość oraz zużycie tribologiczne warstwy wierzchniej

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    Niniejsza praca dotyczy oceny wpływu temperatury wygrzewania azotowanej stali narzędziowej do pracy na gorąco X37CrMoV5-1 (WCL) przeznaczonej na matryce do wyciskania profili aluminiowych na strukturę, mikrotwardość oraz zużycie tribologiczne warstwy azotowanej. Badaniom poddano próbki azotowanej stali X37CrMoV5-1 wygrzewane przez 8 godzin w piecu przemysłowym w temperaturze: 450°C, 480°C, 520°C, 560°C oraz 600°C. W celach porównawczych zastosowano także materiał wzorcowy, który nie był wygrzewany po procesie azotowania. Ze wzrostem temperatury wygrzewania początkowo odnotowano wzrost mikrotwardości warstwy azotowanej o ok. 10%. Z kolei podwyższenie temperatury wygrzewania powyżej 450°C powodowało jej obniżenie. Wyniki testów tribologicznych wykazały, że wygrzewanie stali azotowanej w niskiej temperaturze (450°C) oraz w wysokiej (600°C) powoduje spadek zużycia tribologicznego. Spośród badanych materiałów największą mikrotwardość warstwy wierzchniej odnotowano dla próbek wygrzewanych w temperaturze 450°C, natomiast najwyższą odporność na zużycie tribologiczne uzyskano dla próbek wygrzewanych w temperaturze 600°C. Przeprowadzone testy wskazują na możliwość wydłużenia czasu użytkowania matryc wykonanych z badanej stali azotowanej

    Wpływ czasu technologicznego wygrzewania w podwyższonej temperaturze azotowanej stali narzędziowej X37CrMoV5-1 na strukturę, mikrotwardość oraz zużycie tribologiczne warstwy wierzchniej

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    Praca dotyczy oceny wpływu czasu wygrzewania w podwyższonej temperaturze stali przeznaczonej na matryce do wyciskania profili aluminiowych na strukturę, mikrotwardość oraz zużycie tribologiczne warstwy wierzchniej. W badaniach stosowano stal narzędziową do pracy na gorąco X37CrMoV5-1 (WCL) poddaną procesowi azotowania gazowego. Matryce takie są przed procesem wyciskania poddawane wstępnemu nagrzewaniu do temperatury z przedziału 400°C do 600°C przez okres kilku godzin, co jest spowodowane względami technologicznymi. Z uwagi na możliwość wystąpienia różnych nieplanowanych sytuacji (awarii) czas wygrzewania może ulec wydłużeniu nawet do kilkunastu godzin. Zastosowany zabieg wygrzewania po procesie azotowania wynikał zatem z aplikacyjnego charakteru badań, które miały na celu określenie zmian zachodzących w warstwie azotowanej po wygrzewaniu matryc w podwyższonej temperaturze (520°C) przed rozpoczęciem procesu wyciskania, a tym samym określenie, przez jaki czas można przetrzymywać matryce w piecu bez pojawienia się niepożądanych zmian w warstwie wierzchniej. Badane próbki wygrzewano w piecu przemysłowym w temperaturze 520°C przez czas 2 h, 4 h, 6 h, 8 h, 10 h i 12 h. W celach porównawczych zbadano także próbki nagrzane do temperatury 520°C i od razu chłodzone oraz materiał wzorcowy, który nie był wygrzewany po procesie azotowania. Uzyskane wyniki badań mikrotwardości warstwy azotowanej wskazują na jej spadek wraz z rosnącym czasem wygrzewania do 6 godzin. Po tym czasie parametr ten ulega stabilizacji i dalsze wygrzewanie do 10 godzin nie powoduje istotnego spadku mikrotwardości warstwy wierzchniej. Dla próbek wygrzewanych przez okres 12 godzin odnotowano dalszy spadek mikrotwardości warstwy. Wyniki testów tribologicznych wykazały analogiczny przebieg zmian zużycia tribologicznego badanego materiału wraz z rosnącym czasem wygrzewania. Przeprowadzone testy wskazują na możliwość przetrzymywania matryc w podwyższonej temperaturze (520°C) przez okres 10 godzin. Dalsze wygrzewanie w tej temperaturze powoduje pojawienie się niekorzystnych zmian w warstwie wierzchniej

    On the Accelerated Settling of Fine Particles in a Bidisperse Slurry

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    An estimation of increasing the volume average sedimentation velocity of fine particles in bidisperse suspension due to their capturing in the circulation zone formed in the laminar flow of incompressible viscous fluid around the spherical coarse particle is proposed. The estimation is important for an explanation of the nonmonotonic shape of the separation curve observed for hydrocyclones. The volume average sedimentation velocity is evaluated on the basis of a cellular model. The characteristic dimensions of the circulation zone are obtained on the basis of a numerical solution of Navier-Stokes equations. Furthermore, these calculations are used for modelling the fast sedimentation of fine particles during their cosedimentation in bidisperse suspension. It was found that the acceleration of sedimentation of fine particles is determined by the concentration of coarse particles in bidisperse suspension, and the sedimentation velocity of fine fraction is proportional to the square of the coarse and fine particle diameter ratio. The limitations of the proposed model are ascertained

    On the accelerated settling of fine particles in a bidisperse slurry

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    An estimation of increasing the volume average sedimentation velocity of fine particles in bidisperse suspension due to their capturing in the circulation zone formed in the laminar flow of incompressible viscous fluid around the spherical coarse particle is proposed. The estimation is important for an explanation of the nonmonotonic shape of the separation curve observed for hydrocyclones. The volume average sedimentation velocity is evaluated on the basis of a cellular model. The characteristic dimensions of the circulation zone are obtained on the basis of a numerical solution of Navier-Stokes equations. Furthermore, these calculations are used for modelling the fast sedimentation of fine particles during their cosedimentation in bidisperse suspension. It was found that the acceleration of sedimentation of fine particles is determined by the concentration of coarse particles in bidisperse suspension, and the sedimentation velocity of fine fraction is proportional to the square of the coarse and fine particle diameter ratio. The limitations of the proposed model are ascertained

    Cognitive-Semantic Analysis of Linguistic Objectifications of Possessive Situations in Russian, English, German

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    In this article, possessivity is considered to be a linguistic way of integrating an object (thing) into a relation, connected, first of all, with the idea of owning, wealth and property. Owning a thing is one of the most important concepts regulating social relations. The grounds on which a thing belongs to its holder, in various legal and cultural traditions, often serve as justification of the material advantage and the manifestation of privileges. The relations of possessivity aimed at holding the object in the subject’s sphere are proposed to be constructed in the form of cognitive models, the content of which is the multidirectional process, which is reflected in the semantics of linguistic units and has lingua-cultural specifics. The article proposes cognitive models of possessive relations and describes the language tools representing the structural components of the constructed cognitive models. The relevance of various characteristics to the compared languages and cultures based on the comprehensive analysis of verbalization of the structural components of these models has been identified in this work

    Cognitive-Semantic Analysis of Linguistic Objectifications of Possessive Situations in Russian, English, German

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    In this article, possessivity is considered to be a linguistic way of integrating an object (thing) into a relation, connected, first of all, with the idea of owning, wealth and property. Owning a thing is one of the most important concepts regulating social relations. The grounds on which a thing belongs to its holder, in various legal and cultural traditions, often serve as justification of the material advantage and the manifestation of privileges. The relations of possessivity aimed at holding the object in the subject’s sphere are proposed to be constructed in the form of cognitive models, the content of which is the multidirectional process, which is reflected in the semantics of linguistic units and has lingua-cultural specifics. The article proposes cognitive models of possessive relations and describes the language tools representing the structural components of the constructed cognitive models. The relevance of various characteristics to the compared languages and cultures based on the comprehensive analysis of verbalization of the structural components of these models has been identified in this work

    On the accelerated settling of fine particles in a bidisperse slurry

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    An estimation of increasing the volume average sedimentation velocity of fine particles in bidisperse suspension due to their capturing in the circulation zone formed in the laminar flow of incompressible viscous fluid around the spherical coarse particle is proposed. The estimation is important for an explanation of the nonmonotonic shape of the separation curve observed for hydrocyclones. The volume average sedimentation velocity is evaluated on the basis of a cellular model. The characteristic dimensions of the circulation zone are obtained on the basis of a numerical solution of Navier-Stokes equations. Furthermore, these calculations are used for modelling the fast sedimentation of fine particles during their cosedimentation in bidisperse suspension. It was found that the acceleration of sedimentation of fine particles is determined by the concentration of coarse particles in bidisperse suspension, and the sedimentation velocity of fine fraction is proportional to the square of the coarse and fine particle diameter ratio. The limitations of the proposed model are ascertained